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  • Writer's pictureReilly Moss

6 art styles to draw inspiration from

Art has been a part of human expression for centuries, and over time, various styles and movements have emerged. As an artist, it's essential to have an understanding of the diverse art styles that have shaped the world of art.

Abstract illustration depicting various paint strokes.
Abstract Expressionism Digital Art by Reilly Moss.

Different art styles throughout history:

1. Realism

Realism aims to depict the world as it is, without idealization or exaggeration. It emerged in the mid-19th century as a reaction against the idealization of Romanticism. Realist art often depicts ordinary people and everyday scenes, emphasizing detail, accuracy, and naturalism.

2. Impressionism

Impressionism emerged in the late 19th century in France. It emphasizes the impression of a moment, often using quick, loose brushstrokes and vivid colors to capture the essence of a scene. Impressionist art often depicts outdoor scenes, such as landscapes, and explores the effects of light and color on the subject.

3. Cubism

Cubism emerged in the early 20th century, pioneered by artists such as Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. Cubist art breaks down objects into geometric shapes, emphasizing multiple viewpoints and challenging traditional notions of perspective. Cubism often depicts everyday objects, such as instruments or bottles, from multiple angles simultaneously.

4. Surrealism

Surrealism emerged in the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by dreamlike or surreal images that challenge reality and traditional artistic conventions. Surrealist art often combines seemingly unrelated elements to create a sense of mystery or unease. It's influenced by psychoanalysis and often explores the workings of the subconscious mind.

5. Abstract Expressionism

Abstract Expressionism emerged in the mid-20th century in the United States. It's characterized by abstract forms and expressive brushwork, often emphasizing the process of creation as much as the final result. Abstract Expressionist art often explores emotion and the subconscious, with artists such as Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning using large canvases to create dynamic, gestural works.

6. Pop Art

Pop Art emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, influenced by popular culture and mass media. Pop Art often features bright colors, bold graphics, and images drawn from popular cultures, such as advertisements, comic books, and celebrities. Pop Art often critiques consumer culture and challenges traditional notions of high and low art.

Key Point: By exploring these art styles, artists can gain a deeper understanding of the history and evolution of art and find inspiration for their own work.

What is your favorite art style from history? Please let us know in the comments.

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